Coca-Cola and Greycroft launch $137.7M fund to drive sustainability investments

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Coca-Cola and eight of its bottling partners have teamed up with venture capital firm Greycroft to create a $137.7M fund focused on sustainability investments.

The Greycroft Coca-Cola System Sustainability Fund will invest in companies at the commercialization stage, with a focus on five key areas:

  • Packaging
  • Heating and cooling
  • Facility decarbonization
  • Distribution
  • Supply chain

The fund’s capital comes primarily from $15M of committed capital from each of the nine companies involved, which together represent nearly half of Coca-Cola’s system volume around the world. The partnership is expected to help Coca-Cola reduce its carbon footprint and gain access to emerging technology and science for sustainability and carbon reduction.

More detail on the partnership and the fund is here.

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